Docs Showcase - EasyShop
Docs Showcase - EasyShop
Docs Showcase - EasyShop
Docs Showcase - EasyShop
Docs Showcase - EasyShop
Docs Showcase - EasyShop


Authentication is a crucial aspect of using the EasyShop API to ensure secure and authorized access to resources.

Authentication Methods

EasyShop supports API key authentication as the primary method to access its API. Each API request must include a valid API key in the request headers for successful authentication.

API Key Authentication
  • Obtaining an API Key:

    • To obtain an API key, you need to sign up for an EasyShop account.

    • Once registered, navigate to your account dashboard to find or generate an API key.

  • Including API Key in Requests:

    • In every API request, include the API key in the headers under the 'Authorization' field.

    • Example using JavaScript fetch:


OAuth 2.0:

While API key authentication is the primary method, EasyShop is actively working on supporting OAuth 2.0 for enhanced security and flexibility in the future.

Best Practices

  • Secure Your API Key:

    • Treat your API key as a sensitive credential. Keep it secure and avoid exposing it in public repositories or insecure environments.

  • Use HTTPS:

    • Always make API requests over HTTPS to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data exchanged between your application and EasyShop.

Rate Limiting

EasyShop employs rate limiting to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage. The rate limits may vary based on your subscription plan. Check the EasyShop documentation for specific details on rate limits.


API versioning is important to maintain backward compatibility and support gradual updates. Include the API version in your requests to ensure compatibility with the features and endpoints you intend to use.

Where to Find More Information

For detailed information on authentication, including any updates or additional methods, refer to the EasyShop API documentation.

Always check the latest documentation for any changes or additions to authentication methods. If OAuth 2.0 becomes available, the documentation will provide guidelines for its implementation.

Last Updated On 2024-02-11
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Last Updated On 2024-02-11
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Authentication is a crucial aspect of using the EasyShop API to ensure secure and authorized access to resources.

Authentication Methods

EasyShop supports API key authentication as the primary method to access its API. Each API request must include a valid API key in the request headers for successful authentication.

API Key Authentication
  • Obtaining an API Key:

    • To obtain an API key, you need to sign up for an EasyShop account.

    • Once registered, navigate to your account dashboard to find or generate an API key.

  • Including API Key in Requests:

    • In every API request, include the API key in the headers under the 'Authorization' field.

    • Example using JavaScript fetch:


OAuth 2.0:

While API key authentication is the primary method, EasyShop is actively working on supporting OAuth 2.0 for enhanced security and flexibility in the future.

Best Practices

  • Secure Your API Key:

    • Treat your API key as a sensitive credential. Keep it secure and avoid exposing it in public repositories or insecure environments.

  • Use HTTPS:

    • Always make API requests over HTTPS to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data exchanged between your application and EasyShop.

Rate Limiting

EasyShop employs rate limiting to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage. The rate limits may vary based on your subscription plan. Check the EasyShop documentation for specific details on rate limits.


API versioning is important to maintain backward compatibility and support gradual updates. Include the API version in your requests to ensure compatibility with the features and endpoints you intend to use.

Where to Find More Information

For detailed information on authentication, including any updates or additional methods, refer to the EasyShop API documentation.

Always check the latest documentation for any changes or additions to authentication methods. If OAuth 2.0 becomes available, the documentation will provide guidelines for its implementation.

Last Updated On 2024-02-11}
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Last Updated On 2024-02-11}
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Authentication is a crucial aspect of using the EasyShop API to ensure secure and authorized access to resources.

Authentication Methods

EasyShop supports API key authentication as the primary method to access its API. Each API request must include a valid API key in the request headers for successful authentication.

API Key Authentication
  • Obtaining an API Key:

    • To obtain an API key, you need to sign up for an EasyShop account.

    • Once registered, navigate to your account dashboard to find or generate an API key.

  • Including API Key in Requests:

    • In every API request, include the API key in the headers under the 'Authorization' field.

    • Example using JavaScript fetch:


OAuth 2.0:

While API key authentication is the primary method, EasyShop is actively working on supporting OAuth 2.0 for enhanced security and flexibility in the future.

Best Practices

  • Secure Your API Key:

    • Treat your API key as a sensitive credential. Keep it secure and avoid exposing it in public repositories or insecure environments.

  • Use HTTPS:

    • Always make API requests over HTTPS to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data exchanged between your application and EasyShop.

Rate Limiting

EasyShop employs rate limiting to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage. The rate limits may vary based on your subscription plan. Check the EasyShop documentation for specific details on rate limits.


API versioning is important to maintain backward compatibility and support gradual updates. Include the API version in your requests to ensure compatibility with the features and endpoints you intend to use.

Where to Find More Information

For detailed information on authentication, including any updates or additional methods, refer to the EasyShop API documentation.

Always check the latest documentation for any changes or additions to authentication methods. If OAuth 2.0 becomes available, the documentation will provide guidelines for its implementation.

Last Updated On 2024-02-11
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Last Updated On 2024-02-11
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Authentication Methods
API Key Authentication
Best Practices
Rate Limiting
Where to Find More Information
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